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How do you cope with the negative aspects of your talents?

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Picture the following:

So you have a gift or two. You for instance know things about yourself or others that goes beyond what people usually know.

People come to you for advise, and then there's this situation where someone asks for your help, but what you feel is not what you would like to feel.

Someone has lost his child, and is in sorrow because of it. This person tells you that it seeks for a way to communicate with its lost child. They didn't have a good relationship and it wonders if the child knew it was being loved.

Lets say, that when you try to communicate with the child you get negative emotions and that the answer is no.

You'll get into the dillema that at one hand, you want to help the person who's seeking your help, but at the other hand, you know that telling the truth will most likely devastating.

How will you cope with this?

There are a few standard answers, but if you have a more refined answer, please give it. :)

A few standard answers would be:
1. I would just tell it. Hey, they came for my help right?
2. In this case, I would rather lie
3. I would try to avoid answering at all by giving different information.
4. I would give so many answers that contradict each other that I wouldn't be lying, yet not have to tell the truth either.

I would just say what I feel. When you communicate with the ones who have left our earth in a certain way, you allow them to speak through you.  You must be their voice and I would find it verry impure when you don't say what they want you to say.

In fact, when you start lying about it or not quite tell what they want you to tell, you won't be hurting the mom, but you wíll be hurting the child... There's a reason for the feelings that the child feels. Why not look at it from a different station. Tell the mother what you really feel and try to find a way to give both the child and the mother some understanding en with that, the peace they both deserve. Give them a chance to clear up the clouds that hide their love for each other.

I totally Agree with Kath  :)
I think that when a person asks a question this person should be open for all kinds of answers.
When a spirit communicates with you.. you should have the respect and love to actually transfer what he or she is telling you.

If a message would be very sad or confronting, I would tell the person who requires the answer that the message is quite hard
and if she or he is ready for the truth.
That way, I expect it to be less confronting.


Interesting. :)

I do share both of your visions. I would try to find a way to bring what I have to tell with ease by preparing the person in front of me that I have not so good news.

I do wonder if for both of you, the situation is still the same if you didn't got this information channeled from a spirit or angel, but rather its based on your own emotions as in: Your ability to sense the answer.

Example: someone doesn't feel well, but is afraid to see a doctor because it could be something serious. You feel that it is very bad. Could easily be a cancer of some sort. Would you tell that you feel this? Or would you more urge the person to see a doctor instead of telling what you can sense?

I'm no doctor so I wouldn't say that kind of things. I would urge them to go to the doctor.


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