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Spiritual Knowledge / Cancer , spiritual reasons
« Gepost op: december 12, 2020, 08:43:30 am »
Digging in the spiritual reasons of why things happen , The true nature of things .
I have been doing this a long time. About 30 years, some findings took a long time .
Like How do people get cancer ? and why ? Yes I found out how that works too.
Meaning the mechanics of it , I use the words spiritual reason ,
but that seems to imply as opposed to a non spiritual reality. for me there is no such thing,
also using the word spiritual is just a handle . more accurate would be how creating your reality works.
for me humans as souls create their reality from source , source is unconditional , does not create our reality .
to simplify matters lets look at what happens all around us ,
people use language in speech and written form. now here lies the problem ,
what is language ? seems to me to be a two sided being . one upfront and as is ,
as is thought in school, the other through the back door . what does that mean ?
what do I see when I look at the use of language ?
I see two people and they interact with cords made out of source energy ,
these cords are connecting them . these cords have intention. intention is what language means,
 is about , is what is shared between souls. . and by trough the back door is its multidimensional aspect .
 a text even can be seen full of these energy cords. Reaching out to who ever 'understands'
its meaning, connects to it , to the energy cords. Now there is that which is called energy stealing ,
this than is an energy cord that takes energy away from an other soul. sucks his energy .
This can be done in many ways all different but all using cords with intention .
Here lies our problem to look at for doing so creates karma ,
 karma is just creation but if its not good (undesirable) you will end up returning what you did ,
so if taken energy you end up returning it , are forced to return it . now we are close to the problem ,
 since the energy is needed to stay healthy and feed your self .
 you can than no longer do this since the energy draws away from you and you get ill ,
 cancer happens. The place where it happens will show you the nature of your mistake .
 Here is what Louise L. Hay writes on reason for cancer. 'Cancer Deep hurt Longstanding
resentment Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds 'what's the use'
 ' What it doesn't mention is why this happens , as I now have explained much seems result of karma
 from energy stealing from others coming back to haunt you and deplete you of your own life force ,
an energy so much needed . 'You ended up taking away from your self what you wrongly took from others'.
 and that 'wrongly' would mean some how used as weapon towards others .
There are many variations in this theme explaining specific cases but that's what it boils down to
so here is just a few lines of a subject that could fill many pages ,
written down for those that can use it in one way or the other. ---------

Stel jezelf voor / nieuw
« Gepost op: december 12, 2020, 08:28:24 am »
hallo  heb me aangemeld en nieuw hier
zou graag wat ervaringen delen , dingen die ik geleerd heb,
geleerd hoe het werkt , hoe het komt , en mogenlijk  voor anderen van nut of interesse.
ik ie dat engels ook een gebruikte taal is hier , ik ben zelf 2 talig en engels is mijn eerste taal
ken veel spirituele termen niet in het Nederlands , heb dat er nooit voor gebruikt
engels wel dus dat is dan beter voor mij , enkel opgetypte onderzoekjes heb ik al een tijdje
kan er nog meer doen .het is allemaal unconditional en vertegenwoordigt geen verder belang van mij
maar ik kan besluiten dingen te delen , wat ik wel eens eerder gedaan heb en nu weer doe
zonder verder belang

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